
I chose this topic because it is similar to my book "The Republic of Pirates" by Colin Woodward. Which if you did not notice is about pirates. I also chose it because there is a ton of information that I found on pirates in general. From the pirrates in movies, to legends of pirates, to modern everyday pirates. such as the Somali pirates. That is basically what this blog is all about. It will cover the timeline of pirates to, to ransoms, to the legends of them. Like Blackbeard or the media's very own Captain Jack Sparrow. This blog will give you Videos and pictures on pirates. It will tell you about some of the methods, and tactics, and weapons the pirates use.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Brave, But unlucky Pirate(Charles Vane)

Certainly one of the most skillful pirate Captains. Charles Vane, an English man whos skills in combat were unmatched. Unfortanly he was not social. He did not get along with his crew... and that eventually lead to the end of his career which started in 1716 where he was a crew member under Henry Jennings. When Jennings left the crew with a Pardon from Wodes Rogers, Vane took control of the vessel and continued sailing. He quikly became infamous when others knew of his murderous ways of destroying vessels and torturing prisoners. He was one of the few pirates that did not accept the king's pardon letter. Vane had lost his most prize possession a slave ship to his second and command. He then attacked a vessel expecting very little resistence, but soon found out that it was a well armed french military ship, so he fled. Skillful as he was, he quickly captured a couple of small ships and rebuilt his pirate fleet. However, while they were at the Bay of Honduras , hurricane wrecked his ships. Almost entire crew drowned. Vane and another survivor somehow stranded on a small fisherman's island. They were waiting for any kind of a ship that would rescue them. Unfortunately, his “rescuer” was the former buccaneer, Captain Holford, who knew Vane well. He imprisoned and extradited him to authorities in Port Royal. Vane was put on trial, found guilty and hung in the November 1720.

Benjamin Hornigold- The original Carribean Privateer

Benjamin Hornigold was an English privateer who turned to piracy after The War of Spanish Succession ended. Although he was a pirate, he was better know for being a pirate hunter. He was a skilled captain. It was said that he was kinder to the prisoners than his own crew. above all of that he was best know as the companion and partner of Blackbeard. He was also the teacher of Blackbeard as Blackbeard was his apprentice. He is the captain of the later and soon to be more famous pirate, Samuel Bellamy. Hornigold was the one who granted Blackbeard his vessel, due to his potential and skills. When Hornigold left the the BLackbeard and the crew, he turned out to be a succesful pirate hunter. In his career of being he hunter, he met his match when it came to Charles Vane, where he played a came of cat and mouse... unfortunatley he never caught him. In 1719, on a trading voyage to Mexico took a turn for the worst when his vessel crashed and Hornigold and his crew died our drowning.

Anne Bonny(Bonny)

Little is known about Bonny, due to the fact that there are myths and facts about her. Too many to distiguish  infact. Bonny was of Irish descent and was born in 1697. She was said to be a pirate in 1713. She was the daughter of an intelligent lawyer, William Marry Brennan. She had to be a strong independent woman when her mother died in the late teens. Some sources say that she put a man in the hospital after her failed to sexually assault her(She beat him). And that she killed a servant girl with a knife. She was turned away from her home after she married James bonnie. from there they left to new providence together, where james realized he could not support her, so he left her. With the help of a homosexual man who ran a a popular ladies establishment, they made a name for Bonny.

Anne Bonny Famous Woman Pirate!

Edward Teach(Blackbeard)

Edward Teach, beattter know as "Blackbeard" is probably one of the most well know pirates of all time. Although he was not remembered as successful, he is remembered due to the fact that he established his own name. Very little is known about his life prior to blackbeard. little facts are known. such as he was born in Bristol in 1680. Facts also say that he was a well educated man. He was able to read and write says papers found after his death. which happened in 1718 (48 years of age). It was also stated that Teach was a ladies man. He had some 14 wives, due to the fact that he fell in love with women easily, and he was kind and respectful towards them. Sadly he only had 1 ledgitamite wife, a 16 year old named Mary Ormond, due to the fact that he was properly married. unlike the rest on aboard the ship. In 1716 Teach began his Pirating career when he met the well-know pirate Benjamin Hornigold in New Providence.

somali Pirates

 Over the years modern day pirates have started to emerge. From the lowest of low pirates to the notorious Somali Pirate. From kidnappings to randsom. to resort piracy. In 2010 over 1,181 hostages were taken in 2010 alone. (Weiner 1) And that number is continuing to rise into 2011. The Somalian pirates operate  on the coastline of Africa around the horn of Africa. They have been known to to use very sophisticated weaponry that ranges from RPG's to illegal weapons. They use small speed boats and to get around travel in groups of 10. Once they have spottted a target the use hooks and ladders to board the ship. In 2008 some 49 ships were hijacked off the course of Somalia, out of 59 total, which in my opinion is pretty impressive.